"Equilibren su vida con experiencias espirituales que les recuerden continuar ministrando a los demás diariamente."
your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for
continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
the beginning of every change we get a new agenda that lasts for 6
weeks. As a mission tradition, we all decorate our agendas with pictures
and quotes from the church magazines. This change I decided to make the
main focus of my agenda this quote by Elder Ballard.
I first started my mission I would pray for very specific and selfish
things. I didn´t really understand how prayer worked. Now that I have
some time in the mission, I have felt that some of my specific prayers
haven´t been answered in exactly the way that I wanted, I have learned
that I need to pray for "spiritual experiences". Sometimes after a
really hard day, where I don´t see a lot of success, I ask
myself, "Did I have a spiritual experience today?" Pretty quickly I can
start to recognize all of the blessings that my Heavenly Father had
given me throughout the day that I was so blind to see just a few
seconds earlier. It is moments like these that motivate me to keep going
at times when I feel like I´m not having success in the mission. In the
mission you face problems with your investigators, your companion,
yourself, and many other things, but if we put our trust in the Lord and
realize that He´s always there, even when it doesn´t seem like it, we
will have a much better outlook on life, and be much, much happier.
In other news...
has agreed to officially get baptized!! On the condition that nobody
goes to his baptism... it's going to be interesting to see what happens.
We are hoping that it will be this Saturday!
We are still trying to find more people that actually want to listen to us.
It is raining a ton here and yesterday I forgot my umbrella in the house and got SOAKED. That's always fun though. haha
I hope that you all have a fantastic week and remember to pray for those spiritual experiences!
Message from Mom- Chase started training the new secretary and will be leaving the mission office in three weeks. He is excited for the new experience.
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