Monday, April 25, 2016

Fastest baptism date ever!

Hello everybody!

This week has been pretty dang good! I´m not really sure why though... We have found quite a bit of new people to teach (which is a miracle) and the work just seems to be going better!

Let me share just a quick story about a guy named Rodrigo. Elder Fuller and I were walking down this one street in a neighborhood where everybody is VERY Catholic and don't want anything to do with missionaries. So after getting many doors slammed in our faces, I started to get frustrated. I thought to myself, why are we even here? What does the Lord want me to do in this neighborhood? Shortly after, I saw a rather old man sitting under a tree outside his house. I walked straight up to him and said, "Hi good brother, We are missionaries sent by God to help you feel happier in your life. God has placed us here in your path so that you can accept the only true restored gospel on the face of the earth. Would you allow humble messengers from God to help you acquire more peace in your life?" Without even thinking about it the man said, "Of course!" Then, without skipping a beat, I said "Well, we teach about faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by authorized servants of the Lord, the reception of the Holy Ghost, and persevering to the end. We want to help you fulfill these eternal steps of Christ's Gospel found in the scriptures by inviting you to be baptized in the only TRUE church of Christ. Will you be baptized June 4th?" He thought about it for 5 seconds and responded, "I WOULD LOVE THAT!"

I was really excited to have an experience like that, he actually does seem really serious about progressing and being baptized and I'm anxious to start working with him more.

Well... I don't have a ton of time to write because I have to start prepping for a ward activity. All of missionaries are making a food from their home country and I have to start cooking. Last time we did this I made funnel cakes, but this time I wanted to switch it up. I decided on French Toast! It's going to be soooo good though! I decided to make an apple cinnamon sauce and a strawberry shortcake sauce to put on the french toast. I already have the sauces made and they taste sooooo dang good! I'll send a couple of pics! Mom, I tried to make the apples just how you would make them for pork chops and I think that they came out pretty dang close! You´d be proud.

I hope that everybody has a great week!! Talk to you later!
Chase found sushi!

Making the French toast apple topping. Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Almost Done



Monday, April 18, 2016

Piano Guys Fireside was a success!

I would like to start off by saying that the Piano Guys fireside was a success! I'd say about 400 people came! It was kind of sad because about double the amount of people came for this activity than they did for General Conference... but that's okay! I was really happy that Jon Schmidt and his family could all get there alright and were willing to do an activity like this! Jon shared some of the piano guys videos and gave the behind the scenes and compared each video with a scripture. His main focus was that if we trust got and put him first in everything we do, we will discover our purpose and he will help us fulfill it. Two of his kids also played the guitar and sang a primary song. At the end Jon Schmidt played his own song Waterfall live for us and he and his wife shared their testimonies. There were a ton of investigators that showed up and President Hayes was really proud that Elder Fuller and I could get the whole activity set up in just one day!

In other news... we had an Elder get hit by a car... he dislocated his shoulder and he had to be sent home. That was kind of sad. He only had two months in the mission.

Our investigator E. finally got a job! He has been promising us that he would stop drinking coffee if God would give him a job first! He has already broken up with his girlfriend and coffee was the only thing holding him back from being baptized! I hope he keeps up with his promise!

Lately I´ve been depending a lot on the tender mercies from the Lord to help me out in the mission... I don't know if it's because I'm coming up on the year mark or what, but I´m worn out. These past couple months have been hard. More emotionally than anything else. I guess part of it might be for being trapped in a 3x3 meter box every day for about 8 hours.

I have been studying a lot about the character of God lately and have found a lot of cool stuff. Just to share a quick scripture with you all: Moses chapter 7 in the Pearl of Great Price has some really great stuff. In this chapter Enoch is seeing the coming of Jesus Christ and after Enoch sees that there will be some people who will continue in their sin and will not accept Christ even at his coming, verse 28 describes them as the "residue of the people". When Enoch turns back to God in the same verse he sees that God is crying and asks, "How is it that thou canst weep, seeing thou art holy ... And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of thy creations." This is a question that I´ve had before. God has so many children, how is it that He can really care for each and every one of us. Let alone, enough to cry for us when we turn our back on Him. The answer is simple, "The Lord said unto Enoch: Behold these thy brethren; they are the workmanship of mine own hands..." verse 32. God is our loving heavenly father. He created us and we are made in his own image. He really does care for us and wants the best for each and every one of us. I can't comprehend how He does it, but he really watches and guides us in everything that we do.
That was probably my favorite part of the week. I love reading scriptures and coming across something that hits your hard like that. I encourage you to read that chapter. It really helps you see things on a bigger scale.

Thanks for the emails and the love and support! Sorry for not having any pictures this week...
Love you all!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Exciting Stuff is happening and Chase is somehow in the middle of it.


I was suuuuper tired and worn out from the week before. I was seriously dragging. Today I finally got to catch up on my sleep and I am doing better!

This week our investigators are doing alright, not progressing as much I would like them to be... but they are good. We are really trying to find new investigators. It's  hard to find people that are willing to listen to you here in the city.

I do have some exciting news though!! We have two missionaries that are serving like 10 hours away from the mission office near the Panama border. It's a really touristy place because it's a huge jungle rainforest. One of the missionaries down there called the office and told me that they just ran into Jon Schmidt (the pianist from the Piano Guys) down in their area. I thought it was pretty cool that they got to meet him, but didn't really think that much more of it. Well, last night I got a random call on my phone and when I answered it some Gringo started talking to me. It was him! He said that he wanted to do a little fireside for some of the missionaries and their investigators and wanted to see if we could set something like that up for tomorrow. Of course we said yes and got to work. Well we called the Stake Music Coordinator (who happens to be a BIG piano guys fan) and she blew this activity waaaay out of proportion. She got the best church piano shipped to our stake center, made brochures, and invited pretty much all of Costa Rica. It ended up getting so big that I just got off the phone with Elder Cordon, a member of the general 70, who was asking me all sorts of details about this "Countrywide Fireside".... I had no idea it was going to get this big. He explained that he thought it was a great opportunity but had to get it approved by the proper brethren with the keys over these kinds of things, so he called Elder Duncan of the Area Seventy to get permission. It's now all set up and an official church sponsored activity that got thrown together in about 4 hours. hahaha I have no idea how its all going to go down and I'm supposedly the one who set it up! I also just got done talking with Jon Schmidts wife on FaceTime and we are going to pick them up from the San Jose Mariott at 3 tomorrow to take them to the fireside. I have no idea exacly how I got involved in this or how it's going to turn out but it sure is exciting!

Well sorry I dont have much more to tell you about... I will try to make next weeks a little more interesting!

Have a fantastic week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

25 overnight guests in Chase's home and different Easter rituals.


This week has been insane. I have been worked sooo hard! We had changes this week, which are always crazy, but this week the flights got all split up and we had to run back and forth from the airport all the time. We also had the whole mission go to the temple this week. Luckily, the planning for that wasn't too crazy, but all of the missionaries came to San Jose the night before their temple day to sleep. And guess where all the missionaries sleep when they come here? My house. I had three nights in a row with over 25 missionaries in my house... I didn't get any sleep at all! They were all so loud! And to make this worse, right after that I had to wake up at 2:00AM to drop off the returning missionaries at the airport. I can safely say I'm dead tired.

Okay that's enough of that. This email is going to be pretty short because other than crazy office stuff I haven't been able to do anything exciting this week. Easter was weird here... Most of the people here treat it like any other day. In church they didn't really even talk about Easter. It's weird. The Catholic church here celebrates Holy Week. It consists of lots of parades where people follow big crucifixion statues and chant the Hail Mary and the Lords Prayer in Latin. It is actually kind of scary. One night I was working in the office late and saw a bunch of sirens and heard a woman screaming in a very monotone creepy voice. I ran outside and saw about 50 people in the street holding up a big cross chanting things that I couldn't understand. I took a video of a procession during the day, but the pastor got mad at me.

Yesterday we found a spider bigger than my hand just chilling in the office. It was funny how much it freaked out my companion. I'll send a video of it.

I hope you all had a good easter and that you enjoy General Conference this weekend! I'm really looking forward to it, because I'll actually be able to understand it in spanish this time! haha

Love you all! Look forward to hearing from you all next week!