Monday, April 25, 2016

Fastest baptism date ever!

Hello everybody!

This week has been pretty dang good! I´m not really sure why though... We have found quite a bit of new people to teach (which is a miracle) and the work just seems to be going better!

Let me share just a quick story about a guy named Rodrigo. Elder Fuller and I were walking down this one street in a neighborhood where everybody is VERY Catholic and don't want anything to do with missionaries. So after getting many doors slammed in our faces, I started to get frustrated. I thought to myself, why are we even here? What does the Lord want me to do in this neighborhood? Shortly after, I saw a rather old man sitting under a tree outside his house. I walked straight up to him and said, "Hi good brother, We are missionaries sent by God to help you feel happier in your life. God has placed us here in your path so that you can accept the only true restored gospel on the face of the earth. Would you allow humble messengers from God to help you acquire more peace in your life?" Without even thinking about it the man said, "Of course!" Then, without skipping a beat, I said "Well, we teach about faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by authorized servants of the Lord, the reception of the Holy Ghost, and persevering to the end. We want to help you fulfill these eternal steps of Christ's Gospel found in the scriptures by inviting you to be baptized in the only TRUE church of Christ. Will you be baptized June 4th?" He thought about it for 5 seconds and responded, "I WOULD LOVE THAT!"

I was really excited to have an experience like that, he actually does seem really serious about progressing and being baptized and I'm anxious to start working with him more.

Well... I don't have a ton of time to write because I have to start prepping for a ward activity. All of missionaries are making a food from their home country and I have to start cooking. Last time we did this I made funnel cakes, but this time I wanted to switch it up. I decided on French Toast! It's going to be soooo good though! I decided to make an apple cinnamon sauce and a strawberry shortcake sauce to put on the french toast. I already have the sauces made and they taste sooooo dang good! I'll send a couple of pics! Mom, I tried to make the apples just how you would make them for pork chops and I think that they came out pretty dang close! You´d be proud.

I hope that everybody has a great week!! Talk to you later!
Chase found sushi!

Making the French toast apple topping. Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Almost Done



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