Had changes!! But... I got sent to the city! I'm practically next door
to where I was in the office, but it's all good. At least I'm already
accostomed to how it is here and what the weather is like. My new
companion is Elder Martìnez and is from Mexico. He just finished his
training and has 3 months in the mission.
It was actually pretty hard
to say goodbye to the members in Perez. It is amazing how much their
attitude has changed over these short 5 months. They have really started
to trust us more and they are starting to see the importance of
missionary work in their lives. I had to also leave some investigators
that I got really attached to. Hopefully they will be baptized in the
near future and will play a big role in helping the branch grow.
I don't have a ton of time, because of changes and everything, but
hopefully I will have lots of good stories for you next week!!
The Navas family feed Chase most Sunday's and they always played basketball with him on P-days. |
For a Christmas service project the missionaries cleaned a cemetary. |
They call this mountain the "Sleeping Indian Woman". This mountain is always cloudy. |
Chase taught the Chinchilla family who were a very nice and loving family. The daughters attended Chases English class. The family came to the Christmas devotional hoping to be able to say goodbye to Chase. |
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